Another Proud Moment...
Saturday, November 25th is going to be a special day for myself and for the Impact family. First thing in the morning Saint Mary Marching Arts will be heading to the Markham Santa Claus Parade. A short time later Impact Entertainment will be hitting the road heading to the Caledonia Santa Claus Parade. In the early afternoon Impact of Hamilton will be performing in the Smithville Santa Claus Parade, and at about the same time a small crew will be decorating the Impact 2 float.
Then in the evening all four Impact Ensembles will be rocking the streets of Waterdown in the Flamborough Santa Claus Parade. I am so proud to see Impact grow year after year. It is a true blessing to have so many great students and adults in all the ensembles. Starting at 6:30pm sharp, the parade starts on Hamilton Street at Rockhaven Lane, and will wind through beautiful downtown Waterdown, ending at the corner of Hamilton Street and Parkside Drive.
Impact is also looking forward to the annual mass warm ups that happen not just with the Impact Ensemble, but also with our friends from McMaster Marching Band and Scout House Cadets!