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I Am Who I Am...

I found this in an old blog I use to write back in the day, it was posted December 12, 2006. One of the reason I want to share it is because I feel it is still who I am today!!!

I am a passionate person. I don’t just walk through the motions. I put my heart and soul into everything I do. I am a person with a big heart. I don’t just sit by as I watch people suffer. I do everything in my power to help them. I am a leader. I don’t talk. I lead by example. I am a person with a Learning Disability. I am not the Learning Disability. It is just a part of me. I am a dreamer. I don’t just live moment to moment. I plan and work towards the future. I am a hard worker. I don’t just sit around hoping for things to happen. I work hard everyday to be the best person I can be. I am who I am because no matter what happens I have the choice to accept it, or to change it. I will never be a prisoner of other people’s beliefs or decisions.

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